About Stacey & Southern Bite
Feeding people makes me happy. It’s just about as plain and simple as that. There are few things in this world that I delight more in than my family and friends gathered around my table enjoying a meal. The truth is, food makes most people happy.
In the South, we celebrate everything with food: birthdays, anniversaries, funerals and football games. It’s just one of the many ways a Southerner expresses love to another person. We feed them.

As a true Southerner coming from a long line of amazing cooks, I delight in sharing Southern food with people across the country and across the world.
Folks need to realize that food down South is not all about deep frying and smothering stuff in gravy. Granted, we do that some, but not with everything. In fact, not even most things.
Southern food also isn’t about fancy ingredients and expensive kitchen gadgets. It’s about the resourceful use of local, fresh ingredients and combining that with a little ingenuity to feed our hungry families.

Get my favorite gooey, cheesy, stick-to-your-ribs kind of recipes!
You won’t find me spouting off about not using convenience foods, like condensed cream of chicken soup, or beef bullion, or french onion soup mix. There are plenty of other blogs out there who preach against the use of stuff that makes cooking easier.
Nope. My goal is to get families back to the supper table to reconnect, without texting, apps, and games. And sometimes in our busy lives, we need something easy.
Easy is what I’m good at, so that’s what you’ll get from me… easy, quick recipes to help you feed your family. And I’ll probably start a few sentences with “and”. And I probably use “y’all” way too much.

Southern Bite is my passion. Sharing family recipes here and teaching others to cook those recipes are my ways of helping to preserve my family’s food for generations to come.
I hope you’ll enjoy it here at Southern Bite and that you’ll come back.